Control and Management system

New concept lighting system that can efficiently control and manage smart LED lighting


   System status
    - Current status of temperature, humidity, and illuminance data sensed through environmental sensors
    - Current status of lighting consumption and energy savings
    - Simple light control

    - Consumption information: Comparison of consumption by month in the previous year and this year
                                                       Monitoring of lighting energy consumption by day, month, quarter, half year, and year
    - Environmental information: Temperature, humidity, and illuminance data monitoring

    - Manual: User controls color temperature and brightness for each zone (office, conference room, research center, etc.) through tablet or PC screen
    - Schedule: Control the color temperature and brightness according to the schedule by setting the operation time
                         (start time, end time, color temperature, brightness) on the date desired by the user for each zone
    - Automatic: Controls ON/OFF of lighting according to the brightness of the lighting and occupancy by comparing the luminance range set
                          by the user and the luminance value acquired through the environmental sensor.
    - Predict : Control lighting by predicting the value of sunlight using big data

    - Site management: IP, PORT management for the management of the relevant building such as workplaces, schools, etc.
    - Group management: Number, type, and quantity management of lighting and environmental information sensing devices
    - Device management: Management of devices such as installed group, name, type, address, and description

    - User: User lighting status management
    - Manager: Management for each site
